Learn the technical and scientific skills needed to be a nurse or aide.
Nurses and aides show up when people are hurting, healing, or waiting for answers. You bring comfort and care. You listen and observe. You go between the person and the other professionals providing care.
Always in demand, these professions provide steady work, good pay and opportunities to advance with experience and education.
2-Year Degrees in Health Sciences
A two-year degree in a nursing or health sciences field provides you with many career options. If you decide to continue your education at a university, your credits will transfer; however, how they transfer will vary. Think about your goals and talk with your 快播视频 counselor about the best options.
Earn a Certificate in Health Sciences
Resources for Your Journey
Contact a Counselor
College and life each have their challenges. Our Counseling & Advising team can help you face them and make positive choices.
Pay for College
Our Financial Aid team can connect you with resources like scholarships, grants, or federal programs.
Move to a 4-Year
Our Transfer Center staff can help you remove obstacles and easily move to the next step.