We provide comprehensive services that include staff development, recruitment, staffing, classification and compensation, research, benefits, complaint resolution and diversity awareness. To retain the best and brightest talent, we offer competitive salaries and benefits, challenging career opportunities, and a diverse work environment.
On this site, you will find current job opportunities as well as our policies regarding equal opportunity. We also invite you to click here to review the results of a campus wide work environment survey which reveal why 快播视频 Mountain College employees feel a high sense of job satisfaction.
Equal Opportunity Statement
快播视频 Mountain College is committed to Equal Employment Opportunity for all persons and to provide educational and employment opportunities free from discrimination on the basis of ethnic group identification, gender identification, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, sex, race, color, ancestry, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disabilities, and other physical or verbal conduct. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the School District鈥檚 Title IX Officer and/or Section 504/ADA Coordinator.
The 快播视频 Mountain College application process is entirely online. You will need an e-mail account to complete the online application, an electronic copy of your current Resume/CV, references, cover letter, and your college transcripts (if applicable). For login assistance or questions about filling out your application, please contact NEOGOV directly at: Direct: 310.469.0515 路 Toll-free: 855.524.5627 路 Monday 鈥 Friday 路 6 am to 6 pm Pacific Time
Information on Job Opportunities at 快播视频
- Jobs at 快播视频
Click here to see current .
- Job Descriptions
Click here to see a full detail of our .
- Applicant Login
Click here to be directed to the Applicant Login page.
We look forward to providing you with services by telephone, email, or in person. Please call or email if you need assistance or to make an appointment.
- Insurance, Worker鈥檚 Comp, Leaves, Accommodations:
- Danielle Jackson, Human Resources Specialist II
- (760)366-5201 x5433 or djackson@cmccd.edu
- Recruitment and Hiring:
- Cheryl Santa Cruz, Human Resources Specialist II
- (760)366-5201 x5434 or csantacruz@cmccd.edu
- Chief Human Resources Officer, Equal Employment Opportunity, Title IX:
- Jenn Baker, Chief Human Resources Officer
- (760)366-5285 or jbaker@cmccd.edu
Hours for In Person Services
Our office is located in Room 636 of the Bell Center, on the Joshua Tree campus.
8:30 am 鈥 4:30 pm
8:30 am 鈥 4:30 pm
8:30 am 鈥 4:30 pm
8:30 am 鈥 4:30 pm
8:30 pm 鈥 3:00 pm
Mission Statement
The 快播视频 Mountain Community College District Office of Human Resources is dedicated to providing premier, unparalleled expertise in all aspects of Human Resources services, which are aligned with the District鈥檚 Mission and entrusted by the Board of Trustees.
Through a collaborative effort, the Office of Human Resources encourages a service culture which promotes a productive, accountable and performance driven work environment. We continually strive to ensure a seamless approach to Human Resources activities that integrate with the total range of Human Resources services provided. We are committed to the professional development of our team. We represent the best of Human Resources to the community while supporting and promoting diversity, innovation, flexibility and excellence throughout the organization.
We represent the highest degree of professionalism and are supported by committed members of diverse talents, interests and experiences.
Core Values
- Integrity, honesty and shared responsibility in all we do;
- Unlimited capability of the HR team;
- Power of individual and team commitment;
- Quality and excellence in delivery of HR services;
- Creativity and innovation through continuous learning and improvement;
- Accountability and ownership for our successes and opportunities for growth and enhancement;
- Efficiency and effectiveness in our work;
- Sensitivity, care and concern for all those we serve;
- Creating and maintaining an environment that instills trust and confidence;
- Commitment to diversity within our community;
- Harmony and unity of our HR team.
- We accept the most difficult challenges as opportunities for further growth;
- We work in a cooperative spirit with our colleagues, Board of Trustees, Administrators, students and the community;
- We welcome change as an opportunity for continuous growth and improvement;
- We seek innovative technology to improve quality and expand the breadth of our services;
- We promote continuous learning and professional development;
- We draw upon individual and team contributions to achieve excellence;
- We are energized by common goals and an environment of open and honest communication;
- We foster a 鈥渃an do鈥 spirit;
- We provide a personal touch in our delivery of services;
- We are personally fulfilled and invigorated by our work.
Additional Human Resources Information
- Salary Schedules
Click on a link to view the salary schedule.
- Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Benefits
California State Teachers’ Retirement System is a defined benefit program and is mandatory for all full-time faculty and educational administrators. The District and the employee contribute to CalSTRS.
California Public Employees Retirement System is a defined benefit program. All full-time classified and part-time classified employees meeting the eligibility requirements are enrolled in the miscellaneous employees plan. The District and the employee contribute to CalPERS.
Kaiser and UnitedHealthCareUnitedHealthcare
888-586-6365HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)
Subscribers may choose either Kaiser or UnitedHealthCare. Subscribers are required to select a primary care physician who provides or coordinates health care services. Depending on your HMO plan selection, there is a $10.00 to $20.00 co-payment per visit.Prescription
- Kaiser members receive their Rx benefits (in person or online via home delivery) through Kaiser Pharmacies with a $10 co-pay.
- UHC members get their Rx benefits through Express Scripts. Copay and coinsurance amounts are based on where the prescription is filled. For the lowest copays, utilize an Express Scripts Advantage Network (EAN) pharmacy or a Smart90 pharmacy. Short-term prescriptions are $25 co-pay for Preferred Brand Name, Non-Preferred Brand Name co-pay 50% ($40 minimum – $80 maximum), and Generic co-pay $10 at participating pharmacies for a 30-day supply. Maintenance prescriptions are $20 co-pay for Preferred Brand Name, Non-Preferred Brand Name are 50% co-pay ($80 minimum – $350 maximum), and Generic drugs are $20 co-pay for a 90-day supply.
- Express Scripts
(800) 918-8011
- Delta Dental Plan of California (PPO)
Deductible of $50 per person/$150 per family per calendar year for in-network and $100 per person/$300 per family per calendar year for out-of-network. The maximum paid per calendar year is $2,000 per person for DPO Providers and $1,500 per person for Non-DPO Providers. In-network dentists are covered for 100% of approved basic, diagnostic and preventive benefits. Out-of-network dentists are covered for 80% of Delta approved fees.
- Vision Service Plan (VSP)
VSP benefits allow a WellVision Exam every 12 months with lenses and frames every 12 months, if needed. The VSP is a preferred provider plan and their services are guaranteed, if provider eye doctors are utilized. There is a $25 co-pay per calendar year. Co-pay does not apply to contacts. Lesser amounts are paid if non-VSP providers are used.
For VSP deals and extra savings visit for details.EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND MENTAL HEALTH
Confidential support through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and WorkLife Services Benefit to achieve a better work-life balance. When you call, a specialist will listen to your needs and connect you to the appropriate resources. Initial consultations are free, co-pays may apply depending on the medical insurance plan.
- OptumHealth (Behavioral Solutions of California)
Access code: veba
- Securian Financial Group
Minnesota Life Insurance Company administered by Ochs, Inc.
800-392-7295A $20,000 Life Insurance/$20,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment plan is included in the District’s benefit package. The policy is in effect as long as the employee is an active, benefit eligible employee. The benefit amount is automatically reduced to $13,000 once a current employee reaches age 70 and $10,000 at age 75. Classified employees who work less than 20 hours per week, and persons employed in short-term assignments are not eligible for the group life insurance benefit.
- American Fidelity Assurance Company
909-941-1175 (Ontario Office)
Please contact Moises Ortiz at extension 356 for more information.
- District Password Policy
The required length and complexity requirements for District passwords will change. You will be required to use a password that is at least 12-characters and includes 3 of the following four categories:
- Uppercase letter (A through Z)
- Lowercase letter (a through z)
- Number (0 through 9)
- Special character (for example, !, $, #, %)
In addition, previously used passwords cannot be reused.
Passwords may not contain the user’s account name or parts of the user’s full name that exceed two consecutive characters.Complexity requirements are enforced when passwords are changed or created. You will be required to change your password every 180 days. In addition, users that have not changed their password in the last 6 months will be required to modify their password when the policy is implemented.
We recommend changing your password soon to comply with the new requirements. The policy will be implemented on Aug 1, 2019 for all Staff, Faculty, Vendor and Student Worker District accounts. Please contact the IS Department using the ServiceDesk system if you have any questions regarding how to change your current password. Note: 快播视频 Student account password policy changes will come at a later date.
You may ask, “who is going to remember a 12-character complex password”? For this reason, we recommend using a phassPHRASE instead of a passWORD. Something like “I like 2 eat pizza!” meets all the requirements and is easier to remember. Just don’t make it too easy to guess. Note: the space is a valid character for your 快播视频 email, portal and computer login passwords.
Recommendations for 快播视频 and personal account passwords (never use the same password for District accounts and personal accounts):
Make your password a sentence. A strong password is a sentence that is at least 12 characters long. Focos on positive sentences or phrases that you like to think about and are easy to remember. On many sites, you can even use spaces! Ex: I like 2 eat pizza!
- Workers鈥 Compensation 鈥 Employee Responsibilities
Work-Related Emergency
In a Work-Related Emergency Call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest health care provider or emergency room regardless of whether they are a Wellcomp Medical Provider Network (MPN) participant. (A work-related emergency is defined as a medical condition, starting with the sudden onset of severe symptoms that, without immediate medical attention, could place your health in serious jeopardy).
- Contact your Supervisor and Human Resources at the earliest possible convivence, after treatment.
- Pick up, fill out and turn in the Worker’s Compensation packet from HR.
- Send ALL doctors’ notes for initial treatment, follow-up visits, and/or therapy visits to the HR Office by fax or through district mail (on the day of treatment if possible). Fax information to 760.366.5258 or send through district mail to Human Resources Office.
All Other Work-Related Injuries or Illnesses
If you are injured on the job, report the injury to your supervisor immediately, then call COMPANY NURSE© 1.888.375.0280 (24hrs/7days), where you will speak to a registered nurse who will take your information and either refer you for medical treatment or give care advice.
If medical treatment is declined on initial call to COMPANY NURSE©, but is later necessary, you must call COMPANY NURSE© back for a medical referral AND notify your supervisor.
If You Require Medical Treatment
- 快播视频 Mountain College participates in the MPN for treatment of workers’ compensation injuries. Unless you have properly pre-designated a personal health care provider, before your injury, you must obtain treatment through an MPN provider. Employees will be held responsible for self-procured or out of MPN treatment.
- You will have no out-of-pocket cost. Go to the medical facility advised by COMPANY NURSE© for initial treatment. If applicable, give the pharmacy the Pharmacy First Fill Form (8.5 x 11 page) from the packet. They can call myMatrixx 877.804.4900 if they need authorization or have questions.
- All Follow-Up Treatments: Must be performed by an approved workers’ compensation physician or facility and must be pre-authorized by York RSG, our Workers’ Compensation Claims Administrator.
After Medical Treatment
- If you’re released to Return to Work on REGULAR duty, you must obtain authorization from the medical facility to return to work (even if no time is lost) and send it to the HR Office.
- If you’re released to Return to Work on MODIFIED/LIGHT duty, before you can return to work, you must meet with your supervisor who will work with the Human Resources Office to determine if you’re able to perform your duties while accommodating your restrictions. When on Modified Duty, any injury-related medical appointments will be on your own time, using sick or vacation leave. Working with your supervisor, you may also flex your schedule around the appointments.
- If you’re NOT released to Return to Work with the stipulated restrictions, you will remain on workers’ compensation leave*. It will be your responsibility to notify the appropriate people by phone AND email. Only absences specifically required by the treating doctor will be accepted as workers’ compensation. Send paperwork restricting you from work to the HR Office.
Medical appointments for work related injuries should be made before or after working hours whenever possible, and if not possible, the appointment should be scheduled to minimize time away from work.
* For additional information see: CSEA Contract section on Industrial Injury or Illness Leave; or the 快播视频FA Contract section on Industrial Accident or Illness Leave.
All absences for treatment must be verified by a note from the treating facility. Send ALL doctors’ notes for initial treatment, follow-up, and/or therapy visits to the HR Officer by Fax 760. 366.5258 or email, Danielle Jackson: Djackson@cmccd.edu, and CC Jenn Baker: jbaker@cmccd.edu.
If you have any questions regarding your Workers’ Compensation benefits, please contact 快播视频’s Human Resources Office, at 760.366.5267.
- Medicare Planning Timeline
Retired & Turning 65 or Retiring at 65
If you are already retired and are turning 65 OR are planning to retire at age 65, here are some important things you should know.
Mark your calendar with your Initial Enrollment Period. Your initial Enrollment Period is the official time you can enroll in Medicare. It lasts a total of 7 months; 3 months prior to your birth month, you birth month, and 3 months following your birth month. Your Medicare benefits will be effective the first of the month of your birth month. If your birthday falls on the first of the month, your Medicare would be effective the first of the month prior to your birth month.4-6 Months Prior to Turning 65
- Contact your district benefits office
- To learn about your districts Medicare plans and requirement options
- To confirm your benefits termination date
3 Months Prior to Turning 65
- Apply for Medicare Parts A & B through Social Security by one of the following ways
- Online at
- In person at your local Social Security Office
- Over the phone at 800.772.1213
2 Months Prior to Turning 65
- Review all of your plan options to see what best fits your needs
- Contact VEBA Post 65 at 619.961.2047 or post65inquiries@mcgregorinc.com to consider enrolling in a Group Plan
1 Month Prior to Turning 65
- Complete and submit your enrollment forms to your preferred provider
- Direct with carrier for Individual Plans
- VEBA Post 65 Coordinator for your Group Plan
Note: You must be eligible an enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B prior to enrolling on Medicare Advantage or Supplement plan
Working Past 65
If you plan on working past age 65, here are some important things you should know.
Mark your calendar with your Special Enrollment Period. If you are planning to work past age 65, your Special Enrollment Period is the official time to enroll in Medicare once you retire. This 8-month period starts when your employment ends or when your group coverage ends, whichever comes first.
3 Months Prior to Turning 65
- Contact your district benefit office to confirm your active group benefits
- Defer your Medicare Parts B enrollment
3 Months Prior to Retirement
- Contact your district benefits office
- To learn about your districts Medicare plans and requirement options
- To confirm your benefits termination date
- To sign a proof of creditable coverage form
- Apply for Medicare Part B through Social Security by one of the following ways
- Online at
- In person at your local Social Security Office
- Over the phone at 800.772.1213
2 Months Prior to Turning 65
- Review all of your plan options to see what best fits your needs
- Contact VEBA Post 65 at 619.961.2047 or post65inquiries@mcgregorinc.com to consider enrolling in a Group Plan
1 Month Prior to Turning 65
- Complete and submit your enrollment forms to your preferred provider
- Direct with carrier for Individual Plans
- VEBA Post 65 Coordinator for your Group Plan
Note: You must be eligible an enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B prior to enrolling on Medicare Advantage or Supplement plan.
- Contact your district benefits office
- Public Service Loan Forgiveness Federal Program Information
Human Resources does not submit the completed form to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
AB 463 adds Section 97489 to the Education Code and requires the Chancellor’s Office to develop materials, as specified, to increase awareness among community college faculty of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLS) federal program and provide these materials to each community college district for dissemination to all faculty employees.
The Public Service Loan Forgiveness is a Federal Program to encourage individuals to enter and continue to work full-time in public service jobs. Under this program, borrowers may qualify for forgiveness of the remaining balance due on their eligible federal student loans after they have made 120 payments on those loans under certain repayment plans while employed full time for at least 10 years by certain public service employers.
快播视频 Mountain College faculty and full-time employees reference the links above for more information and application materials.
For more information, visit the Federal Student Website. It is important to read all information thoroughly to ensure your application to the Federal Program is not rejected. It is each employees responsibility to submit their completed document to the Federal Program.
- Star Award
Nominate a 快播视频 Star by completing the !
The Star Award:
- Is available to all employees – faculty and classified employees, management, and supervisors.
- Anyone can nominate an employee for the award.
- The award will travel from one winner to the next. Awarded employees receive a lanyard pin to keep.
- Awardees will receive recognition and documentation of being Star Award recipients.
- Equal Employment Opportunity Plan
Equal Opportunity Statement
快播视频 Mountain College is committed to Equal Employment Opportunity for all persons and to provide educational and employment opportunities free from discrimination on the basis of ethnic group identification, gender identification, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, sex, race, color, ancestry, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disabilities, and other physical or verbal conduct. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the School District’s Title IX Officer and/or Section 504/ADA Coordinator.