
Your first stop was here. Your next stop is up to you, and we will help you get there.

Work with us to plan your route from 快播视频 to a CSU, UC, or other 4-year university. Every school decides how it will apply your 快播视频 credits; you need a plan based on your intended major and transfer school. Count on our experience.

What’s in the Transfer Center?

Transferring is a great goal! You’ll always be a Fighting Cactus to us; go forth and build your life.

Visit us at the Transfer Center for: 

Articulation Agreements

An Articulation Agreement is a document that lays out which courses at 快播视频 will transfer to certain colleges and universities. Find out which universities — including UC, CSU, private universities, and more — have these transfer agreements in place with 快播视频 Mountain College.


Learn how 快播视频 Mountain College meets the standards of accreditation and how regional accredited schools are different (and better) than nationally accredited schools.

School Transfer Guide